Inspired by the adventures and tales of Scottish explorers who once called the building their home away from home, 100 Princes Street is set within the historic former Royal Overseas League headquarters, nestled in Edinburgh’s cultural heart. With uninterrupted views of Edinburgh Castle, 100 Princes Street replicates the boutique atmosphere of sister properties, Ashford Castle and Xigera Safari Lodge.
Experience a distinctive combination of timeless heritage and modern opulence at 100 Princes Street. Uncover the essence of what sets us apart, inviting guests to explore the exceptional offerings that make 100 Princes Street a destination like no other.
As a brand-new addition to the hospitality landscape of Edinburgh, 100 Princes Street is proudly led by Resident Manager Laura Jamieson and Managing Director Malcolm Hendry, offering both a fresh perspective and unwavering dedication to excellence.
With meticulous care and attention to the listed building’s interior, Red Carnation Hotels has lovingly restored 100 Princes Street. A focus on history and heritage has been maintained in collaboration with the finest local artisans and suppliers.
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